Helping Patients, Parents and Professionals understand about ADHD.
ADHD Explanation 1
What is ADHD?
A lot of people have heard of ADHD, but may not really understand the effects it has on a person's functioning. Explanation 1 describes ADHD, giving examples of the types of behaviour that may happen if a person's mind does not work efficiently.
ADHD Explanation 2
Oppositional defiant disorder and MERIM
Most children with ADHD (and also many ADHD adults) show some difficult and oppositional behaviour. Explanation 2 describes a logic to the maladaptive reward-seeking behaviour. This explanation may make it easier for teachers and carers to understand why being deliberately difficult may make sense to a person with ADHD.
ADHD Explanation 3
ADHD as a continuum
People whose brains function slightly differently often represent more extreme forms of the types of functioning all of us experience at times. Everyone understands what it feels like for a task to be too much effort. Recognising our own features of ADHD and oppositional defiant disorder helps us to understand what it might be like to experience these difficulties more consistently.
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ADHD Explanation 1-5
A lot of people have heard of ADHD but may not really understand it. This document contains Explanations 1-5, which are designed to help patients, parents and professionals to understand the effects of ADHD. These include inefficient thought processes (Explanation 1) and difficult, oppositional behaviour (Explanation 2). Explanation 3 describes ADHD-type problems that most people will experience from time to time. Explanation 4 describes non-medical strategies that may help in ADHD. Explanation 5 describes the improvements in functioning that can happen with medication.
ADHD Explanation 4
Behaviour strategies for ADHD
This Explanation builds on Explanations 1-3 and describes non-medical strategies for helping people with ADHD to cope better with carrying out their daily activities.
ADHD Explanation 5
Medications used in ADHD
Although Explanation 3 describes ADHD as a continuum, such that all people are affected to some extent, ADHD is a genuine and treatable condition. Finding the right medication, or balance of medications, can improve mental efficiency and help a person to function more like others of their age. This can make an enormous difference to the mood, attitude and self-esteem.
ADHD Explanation 6
ADHD in adulthood
This explanation describes ADHD as a condition in which the thinking brain functions less efficiently and explores the possible effects of this in adults.
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If you are a professional who treats people with ADHD, you may find it useful to display this poster in the waiting area, to encourage relevant background reading.